Stellar Orthodontics in Gilbert, AZ
Stellar Orthodontics in Gilbert, AZ

Orthodontic Retainers

The benefits of orthodontic treatment will last a lifetime if you wear your retainers. We encourage wearing retainers for as long and as often as possible. We want your smile to stay beautiful and straight for years to come! To make sure that happens, you have important responsibilities as a patient post-treatment, which are outlined below.

Once the active orthodontic appliances are removed, the patient will receive retainers the same day to stabilize the dental correction. Because the bone and soft tissues surrounding the teeth are solidifying and being stabilized for several months after braces are removed, it is imperative that the retainers are worn as instructed. Failure to wear the retainers may result in undesirable movement of the teeth, which could lead to needing re-treatment.

Types of Orthodontic Retainers

Because teeth can continue to move throughout life, we recommend that individuals who have undergone orthodontic therapy should wear retainers indefinitely. A patient should wear retainers as much as possible for 6 months following the removal of braces. After approximately 6 months, the patient can wear the orthodontic retainer just at night. 

All retainers are custom-made for the individual who needs them.

Hawley Retainer

Traditional retainer and made of acrylic and stainless steel wires. 

Clear Retainer

Made of clear plastic and looks like a clear aligner, such as Invisalign.

How to Care for Removable Retainers

Clean your retainer before and after placing it in your mouth. Because the material used for fabrication is slightly porous, plaque tends to cling to the surfaces. Gentle scrubbing with a toothbrush and a mild liquid soap will remove the plaque. A denture cleaning solution, such as Efferdent, will aid in the removal of plaque and tartar. Be sure to rinse the retainers thoroughly after cleaning to remove any cleanser residue.

  • Retainers are made of a thermoplastic material that is sensitive to excessive heat, so they should be kept away from heaters, dishwashers, car dashboards, or any place where the temperatures exceed 115 degrees (Fº).
  • Retainers should be kept in the proper retainer case when they are not in the patient’s mouth.
  • Keep away from any family pets, as they like to chew on them.

Retain Your Smile – for a Lifetime

At Stellar Orthodontics, we find the retention phase to be one of the most important aspects of the orthodontic process. During your time with us, we make it our main goal to give you the smile you have always wanted. In order to keep that smile, the retention process is key!

We are proud to offer same day delivery for your retainer on the day your braces come off. Dr. Stella offers multiple types of retainers, including clear retainers and traditional Hawley retainers. Patients are recommended to wear their retainer full-time for 6 months after the braces come off then switch to night-time wear only.